English Conversation Lessons Using Phrasal Verbs

Are you looking for English conversation lessons? Do you want to speak English more naturally, the way native English speakers do? One of the best ways to is to learn more phrasal verbs. 

This page explains the importance of phrasal verbs in ordinary conversations. It also recommends a course that can help you learn them. If you're interested in the course, read on-- and see important information here.

A young man & woman talking. They're using several phrasal verbs: 'Jenny broke up with Jim. She didn't want to put up with his temper...' 'Why bring it up? Are you standing up for her?'...

Phrasal verbs are used constantly in English conversations, but they can be difficult to understand. They often mean something very different from the meanings of their individual words. 

For example, to “get over” an illness means to recover from it.

To back up can mean to move backward OR to support OR to make an extra copy of information. To ‘back out of’ something has a completely different meaning. See List of English Phrasal Verbs for examples.) 

You can learn some common ones on our phrasal verb pages. But there are so many more! Without understanding them you will have real trouble understanding casual (or workplace) conversations in English!

Memorizing lists of them has limited value. It's hard to recognize or use them in practice! (Lists can be good reminders of expressions you have already learned.) 

The best way to learn them—and get familiar with conversational English-- is to listen to conversations that use them, a few at a time, in context. 

That’s why I was glad to discover Shayna Oliveira’s Phrasal Verbs in Conversation course. I’m very impressed with the way Shayna teaches! Her lessons are simple, with clear explanations and lots of practice.

Even if you speak English at an advanced level, I suspect you will learn many new expressions. (Check her sample lessons at the link below to see if they might be too basic or too hard for you.)

What's Included in these English Conversation Lessons?

The course teaches 500 phrasal verbs in 30 short lessons. Lesson topics cover common conversations from romance to health, school, work, money and time. 

Lessons take about ten minutes. They each start with a dialog using 10-20+ phrasal verbs in context. Then there's a video explanation of what each means and how to use it. Practice with short writing exercises and a quiz. 

Each lesson includes video, audio, and a written transcript to study. (Separate audio files mean you can  listen while jogging or riding the bus.)  You can download them, so you don’t need an Internet connection to study. 

Because the lessons are so short, you can learn a few new phrases or review others in spare moments. A little study each day will help you learn and remember much better than an hour or two less often.

The course info page includes links (below the video) to a detailed description that explains why the course is important. There are also an FAQ and a list of all the lessons in the course.

It also has links to two free sample lessons (which each link to other shorter phrasal verb lessons.) Try them to see if you like Shayna’s teaching style, or if you aren’t sure whether you need these lessons.

Learning Phrasal Verbs Can Make a Difference for You!

Imagine how much more confident you’ll feel when you  understand these common expressions and can use them yourself! You won’t need to wonder or ask your English-speaking friends what they mean so often. It will save you a lot of confusion and maybe even embarrassment.

Shayna offers a 100% money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied. (I doubt you'll need it!) Shayna cares, and will do her best to help you if you have questions. 

If you decide to buy this course after clicking the link below, I will receive a small payment for suggesting it. But I only recommend the course because it’s one of the best ways to learn these important expressions. (Learn more or more about my connection with Shayna's Phrasal Verbs course on my  Affiliate Disclosure page.)

You can learn more about phrasal verbs on several EnglishHints' pages. They are so important in English conversation that you should consider more. The in-depth study this course provides could make a rel difference for you!  Check it out now!

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