Quick Tips to Speak Better English

Do you need to improve your English without studying for hours? Would it help to get quick tips to speak better English, along with related practice activities, every week or so?

Quick Tips to Speak Better English with photos of a team at work discussing an idea and of a man talking on a Zoom call.

EnglishHints is now offering a short series of emails with phrases you can modify and practice to help you keep improving your English, even when you don't have much time.

For years our free English Detective newsletter has shared interesting articles and talks so you could keep building your vocabulary month by month. (You can find links to old issues here or here, if you'd like to read some of them.)

But many of the professionals I've talked to want more frequent (and briefer!) chances to improve their English. So I'm starting a second, weekly (or almost-weekly) email newsletter. It will usually arrive on the second, third, and fourth Tuesdays of each month. 

(English Detective goes out on the first Tuesdays. You can subscribe to it too if you'd like to get an email from us every week. It's a little longer-- especially if you decide to read the linked articles, but you can save part of it for later.)

Sample 'Tips to Speak Better English' Topics

Most issues will have a single topic, with a brief explanation and some example questions and answers or sentence starters. You can adapt them to meet your own needs and practice them to feel more confident when you need to discuss various topics in English. Many will link to a page on EnglishHints with more information. 

I expect to start with some useful workplace phrases for different purposes, including

  • how to ask and answer various questions about work (for example, at a networking event or job interview), 
  • discuss what you or your team have been working on, its successes and challenges
  • make suggestions or improvements or new ideas at work
  • discuss your opinion and agree or disagree with others politely
  • etc.

I hope if you are interested that you will also suggest words, phrases, or topics you need help with or would like to understand better. Those suggestions can make these tips so much more useful!

You should receive your first email practice within a week (probably on the next Tuesday) except at the very end or beginning of the month, when it may not arrive until the second Tuesday of the month.

When you receive your first or second email with phrases to practice, could you please click on "Reply" and tell me if any of the suggested phrases were useful for you-- and if not, what would be? That will help me know what kinds of practice to prioritize for the later Tips.

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