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English Verb Tenses: Examples and Practice

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Learn when to use more than 12 English verb tenses, with examples and links to practice exercises.

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English Grammar Worksheets

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Use these printable English grammar worksheets to master correct English, practice tenses and sentence structure, and avoid common errors.

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Medical Words for Symptoms and their Causes

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Study these medical words used by health professionals and by patients for common symptoms and their possible causes. Then check yourself with a quick quiz.

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Medical English for Health Professionals

Med Eng pin

Learn the research vocabulary and medical English needed for clear communication with patients, clients, coworkers and the public..

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Develop Your English Speaking Skills

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Develop your English speaking skills so you can communicate more effectively with your English-speaking colleagues and clients.

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The Story behind the Rescue of the Chilean Miners in 2010

Chilean mine pin

Discover the dramatic story behind the 2010 rescue of the Chilean miners and practice related English vocabulary.

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How to Improve English Pronunciation

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Here's how to improve English pronunciation-- and a quick course for professionals using English at work.

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The Importance of Stress in English—and How to Practice it with Songs

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What is the importance of stress in English? Using word stress correctly can help people understand you better.

Continue reading "The Importance of Stress in English—and How to Practice it with Songs"

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