Science Words Practice

For an explanation of some basic science words and of the scientific method (as well as some reading practice), see Scientific Method Vocabulary. The words on this page are a little harder, but also quite common in discussing scientific research as well as other subjects. (Most are from the Academic Word List -- key words to understand even if you’re not a scientist.)

a row of test tubes with different colored liquidstest tubes for a science experiment

In Science Vocabulary there are classification and matching exercises to give you a chance to think about word uses and match them with their meanings. The second half of that practice-- using these words to fill in the blanks in sentences-- is here, to keep the page from being extremely long.

Filling in the gaps (blanks) in sentences gives you a chance to see how these words are used in context, and to get a little mental exercise as well.

The first (and hardest) paragraph is done as an example.

Use These Science Words to Fill in the Gaps

Sample paragraph:

assess, functions, ignore, implications, intelligent, region, underlying 

“We can no longer ignore the important implications of this research on the frontal lobe region of the brain.  It demonstrates the underlying mechanisms of rational thought, whereby people are able to assess their options and (in theory) make intelligent decisions. (Of course, researchers are still trying to understand why people so often make irrational, foolish decisions instead. They will continue to study the functions of different areas of the brain, hoping to understand intelligence better.)”

Science Words Gap-fill

Instructions: Type the words below into the gaps (blanks) in the imaginary news articles below. If you need a hint, click the question mark (?) for the first letter of the word.. (It will subtract a little from your score.)

automatically, data, equations, formula, intrinsic, monitor, ongoing,
participants, random, regulate, significant, temporarily, undergo

Mathematical range from very simple statements like 2+2=4 or A+2b=c (where unknowns are shown by letters) to complex expressions that need several lines or fill a blackboard. A famous physics' equation is Einstein's E=MC2. It is a for converting matter into energy, which can be read, "Energy equals Matter times the speed of light (C) squared."

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In an interview with a researcher studying bacteria, the reporter quoted the researcher's prediction: “In the future we hope to bacterial evolution and eventually conquer some of these diseases that still cause loss of life. We are beginning to understand the mechanisms that enable dangerous bacteria to evolve so quickly. In our research we hope to find new ways to prevent that, not just delay it by killing the weaker bacteria. The better we understand the processes that lead to bacterial evolution, the sooner we can find ways to stop it.”

* * *

The Millview Evernew Lab needs volunteers to participate in ongoing trials of a possible new medicine for high blood pressure. must be at least 21 years old, in generally good health except for borderline or high blood pressure, and able to multiple tests over a period of two to three hours. They must make a commitment to return every three weeks for a year to be evaluated.

Researchers will the experiments at all times to ensure participant safety. from each week’s tests will be input into the main computer every Friday, and the output will be generated and recorded over the weekend, as an additional safety measure. Any evidence of dangerous side-effects will lead to a temporary suspension of the trials while the data is thoroughly evaluated.

These are double-blind, trials in which neither the participants nor the researchers know who is receiving the experimental drug and who is receiving a placebo instead. This guarantees that the researchers will interpret the results without being biased by their expectations.

If you would like to learn more about science and the words it uses, see Scientific Method Vocabulary. For more practice, see Science Vocabulary or Scientific Words Quiz.

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